“Our goal is to modernize it but retain the historical flavor.”

Edward Koren

“Our goal is to modernize it but retain the historical flavor.”


In his purer architectural fantasies Koren distributes buildings and monuments of varied cultural resonance over the sheet and then, as with his figural compositions, fills a landscape around them. Classical and medieval, secular and sacred, pedestals and statues and architectural units are scattered across the page and the land: in the loneliness of their juxtaposition these disjecta membra recall the evocative poignancy of Piranesi’s architectural grotteschi, the nostalgia of ruins. Here, too, Koren extends a tradition, bringing his own imaginings to revitalize the architectural fantasy as a genre.


Work Date:
22 18 x 29 inches
Pen and India ink on BFK Rives paper
Credit Line:
Courtsey of the artist