Wall Drawing 584H

Sol LeWitt

Wall Drawing 584H


Wall Drawing 584H is presented between two related works – Wall Drawing 583F&H. This drawing depicts a square divided horizontally and vertically to create four equal parts, a motif that Sol LeWitt has worked with since his early linear wall drawings done in pencil, such as Wall Drawing 56 (also at MASS MoCA). The color within each of the four parts is executed with superimposed color ink washes, which the artist explored throughout the 1980s. As in the two wall drawings that flank it, LeWitt employs a framing device in Wall Drawing 584H – it is bordered by a ½-inch white band, which is then outlined with a 4-inch black band.


Work Date:
January 1989
Color ink wash
Credit Line:
Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt