Wall Drawing 419

Sol LeWitt

Wall Drawing 419


When Sol LeWitt began using ink wash for his wall drawings in the early ‘80s, he frequently reiterated the systems that he had originated in pencil. For example, Wall Drawing 419 represents an adaptation of the artist’s most basic presentation of colored pencil lines (an area divided into four equal parts, each part containing one of the four basic types of line which are executed in a specific color.) The grid structure eliminates compositional hierarchy – each type of line is given the same priority. Unlike the earlier pencil iterations, the lines in Wall Drawing 419 have been turned into wider bands, and the colors are much brighter in ink than in colored pencil. The four parts of the drawing are bordered with black bands, which further increase the boldness of the drawing.


Work Date:
September 1984
Color ink wash
Credit Line:
LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut