Reclining Figure (Working Model for Lincoln Center Sculpture)

Henry Moore

Reclining Figure (Working Model for Lincoln Center Sculpture)


Reclining Figure is a smaller-scale working model for the sculpture located at Lincoln Center in New York City (1963-65). (A third version is installed on the grounds of Henry Moores estate in Hertfordshire, England.) While the New York version is set within a reflecting pool, the MIT sculpture stands on a granite base, fully exposing the monumental legs. At the time of its commission, Reclining Figure was the largest work Moore had yet undertaken. In order to produce this sculpture in conditions that would best approximate outdoor light, Moore built an open-air garden studio and covered it with transparent plastic sheeting. He later used this studio for all his large sculptures intended for outdoor sites. Less gentle and rounded than MITs three-part figure, these severe and heavy elements indicate Moores abiding interest in natural forms, from bone fragments to ancient geological formations.


Work Date:
Room No. 1
96 in. x 138 in. x 68 in. (243.84 cm x 350.52 cm x 172.72 cm)
Credit Line:
Gift of Vera Glaser List in memory of Samuel Glaser, Class of 1925